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Sculptra® is a longer lasting more gradual form of dermal filler that works by replenishing your own facial collagen which restores volume in the face that has been lost over time.

Collagen is the protein your body produces to give your skin a firm and youthful appearance, but from an early age (25 years) the amount you produce slows down and facial volume is lost.
Sculptra® can redress the balance by stimulating collagen production again.

This treatment can be used to gradually and subtly smooth out lines, wrinkles and folds, as well as tackling loss of facial volume which can happen with the natural ageing process or dramatic weight loss.

Sculptra® can be used to treat:

  • Deeper wrinkles, lines or folds
  • Hollow areas e.g. gaunt cheeks, temples
  • Cheekbones – to add definition
  • Jowls – to lift up saggy jowls


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