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Volume: 1.0ml
24 mg/ml Hyaluronic Acid with 0.3% Lidocaine

Nexfill is unique as it uses 60% less BDDE agent compared to other fillers, creating a purer dermal filler with significantly less swelling.

Using an established formula the manufacturer have combined traditional crosslinking techniques and combined them with mechanical cross-linking to create an improved filler with the highest viscoelasticity.

The benefits of Nexfill Fine:

Radiant healthy skin glow
Provides hydration and moisturisation
Fills and tightens the skin and quickly smoothes wrinkles
easily removable
Recommended Indications
Fine lines
Crows feet
Russian lips
Periorbital line
Lip contour

Needles = 2 x 30G * 1/2″
Storage = 2-25°C
Duration = 9-12 months
BDDE = Not Detected

Nexfill Fine

    • 24 mg/ml Hyaluronic Acid
    • 0.3% Lidocaine
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